Iz + Pete.

Location / Coledale, Dharawal Nation

Built / 2019
Architect / Morgen Figgis
Doors and windows / Ikkyu Joinery
Photography / Sarah Tedder

The existing house seemed to encapsulate the older ways of living - when 'house' was a humble abode, big enough for just the basics, and the front porch was the epicentre of domestic bliss. With the house stripped back close to its origins, it needed a new version of what the front porch was. The front addition became like the bow of a ship (the old house): slightly elevated and floating, outward looking yet still protective, a solid chiselled form. This room gives the inhabitants a dialogue with the street, and a sense of connection to the wider environment of sun, sea and escarpment. It facilitates a social and relaxed use, and encourages a coming-and-going and passing-through. This project became as much about informed restraint as it was about making more, and the awareness of what little we really need.

Published Houses Magazine #127

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